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Romanov, by Nadine Brandes

Download Romanov, by Nadine Brandes
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'Brandes' accuracy in this retelling -- the majority of the characters and events are true -- and the bits of Russian sprinkled throughout are highlights. . . A promising retelling . . .'--Kirkus'This book completely hooked me from the start and did not disappoint with twists and turns and magic and romance that added new elements to the story we know.'--YA Books Central, 5/5 stars'The prose is enchanting and piquant, and paints rich, emotional images. The subject matter is thought-provoking; not just what happened to the royal family but what caused things to get to the point of revolution.'--All About Romance'Nastya's warm and empathetic personality shines throughout and you really feel her sense of desperation to save the ones she loves, going above and beyond and risking everything to do so.'--The Nerd Daily'If you enjoy re-imagined history, like The Ring and the Crown by Melissa de la Cruz, then you'll probably like Romanov.'--Story Sanctuary'. . . fans of the animated film Anastasia will enjoy this story, as will fans of R.L. LaFevers, Evelyn Skye, and Lucy Worsley's YA novels.'--School Library Journal
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Nadine Brandes once spent four days as a sea cook in the name of book research. She is the author of Fawkes, Romanov, and the award-winning Out of Time Series. Her inner fangirl perks up at the mention of soul-talk, Quidditch, bookstagram, and Oreos. When she's not busy writing novels about bold living, she's adventuring through Middle Earth or taste-testing a new chai. Nadine, her Auror husband, and their Halfling son are building a Tiny House on wheels. Current mission: paint the world in shalom. Visit Nadine online at; Instagram: NadineBrandes; YouTube: Nadine Brandes; Twitter: @NadineBrandes; Facebook: NadineBrandesAuthor.
Gebundene Ausgabe: 345 Seiten
Verlag: Harper Collins Publ. USA (30. Mai 2019)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 078521724X
ISBN-13: 978-0785217244
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: Ab 13 Jahren
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14,5 x 2,7 x 22,1 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.7 von 5 Sternen
3 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 4.975 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
2.5 starsAn overall okay spin on the Romanov story but for me it all felt way to underdeveloped and as if the author tried to do too much in one book without actually managing to do any of it very well.Good things:- I liked how the author spun the Anastasia story in a different way than the typical YA/disney tropes - aka the best known versions of her story- and took it into a bit of a different direction.Middle ground:- the writing.Its good solid writing. Its easy to read, it fast to fly through without over simplifying why is this not listed as a good thing?Because the entire book has some issues that i personally also see as part of the writing style. Mostly there would be plot issues but lets be honest, there are very few fantastic books out there that have bad writing, just as there are very few horrible books out there that have the best writing. There has to be this middle of a good plot and good writing to make a good book. If one isn't that great, the other suffers in some way as well, right?So i am not sure if the writing is the problem or the plot, but some things -mentioned in a second- are missing in this book that are defiantly making me question if the writing is actually good overall.The not great, or not working for me, parts:- there is a HUGE lack of explanations in basically every area that a book can lack in/with explanations.And i don't just mean that the author kind of assumes that the reader already knows the Romanov background at least a little bit since we just get thrown into their exile from page one and never really get a good explanation on why or how it all happens. And i guess that's okay if you have a bit of an understanding of that part of history already? But does everyone? I mean i do have that so it was okay, but honestly think its a bit much to just assume that anyone seeing this book automatically knowns a bit of Russian history? Maybe thats just me and my underestimation of todays young adults. Possible.But there is also a BIG huge lack in the magical explanations.Or lets just say it as it is! There was no real explanation of the magic in this book.Also there was never a real actual good usage of it so why was it even really in this book? I never quiet understood that part at all to be honest.Why add it if it doesn't really play a big part of it all, especially if it is never actually explained?We get hints and mentions of this big magic, of blood magic, of magical connections and spell casters and great spell masters, those great teachers and of getting training or of someone having training in the past... but where is it all?Did i miss that?Did i miss this huge bit moment in this book where all those magical moments came together and where actually used in a why that made it all make sense? that pulled it all together?I hope i didn't miss that moment.I Could have.I am NOT great at magical realism which i guess this falls into?No clue. I am a confused cupcake, okay?- The charactersI wanted to at least like them.I am sorry to say i couldn't. Mostly because i felt it lacked a bit in characterisation and again explanations. We get thrown into the life of this family on the day they get separated and get thrown this little section of the father telling his daughter to keep this "secret" save and than everything just moves on without explanations, without character building moments even without any real introduction to anyone.I am sure there are readers that will love that. Because they don't need those things to enjoy a book and feel happy with it.I do.I need explanations. I need to get to know a character. i want an introduction and i want to get to know that person and i want to be invited into their life, okay? That is why i am reading! I want to basically be the invisible little friend on the shoulder of that character, getting taken along through all the adventures without actually having to do any of it!I sadly never got the chance to do that with this book.Which brings to me the last point:- it all felt a bit rushed... while also going rather slowly at the same time.Again look at me being a confused little cupcake trying to understand the world!This book moves -especailly in the first 100 pages very fast.We get introduced, 5 pages later half of the family is going somewhere else, half the family remains behind, things are being packed and taken and soldiers are everywhere and all of a sudden there is a letter from the family members that left with bad news and all of a sudden everyone else is also being moved to join the rest and of it happens within the first 20- 30 pages while also having this strange magic stuff thrown in that honestly made no sense what so ever to that felt very rushed. Which would have been fine. If it would have at some point slowed down enough, taken a breath and you know started to make more sense?It didn't.I mean it slowed down a bit, but in to me it felt just very strangely timed because while some sectioned became quiet boring to be honest in their slowness and with nothing happening at all (which by the way would have been the perfect moments to get on with the explanation sections? I thought so at least, the author clearly did not feel that way) while the next part was once again moving so rapidly that i felt i missed the shoot that signalled the race had all in all:this book wasn't for me personally. It lacked a lot of what i personally need in my books to actually have a great time reading.BUT its not a bad book at all.It was a fast read, it takes an interesting spin on an historical event and has a beautiful cover. I mean lets not leave out that little beauty!if you are interested. Give it a try. Might be the book for you.If you are similar to me and need explanations and introductions and also don't mind a bit of a regular pacing throughout a book?Maybe try another one?*Thanks to for giving me a free e-copy of this book in exchange for a free and honest review*
Thank you to netgalley for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for an honest review.I was incredibly excited for this Anastasia retelling. I do not know much about the actual history or other retellings, but I was totally here for it.Overall, I really did enjoy this a lot. It was an easy and quick read - perfect for a Sunday afternoon. It is intense at times, packed with emotions and a lovely main character. I did have some issues with the slow pace of the first half (I know others will love it) and the lack of world building.Not knowing much about the history, I cannot attest to how accurate the first bit is, but from what I have read since, it seems like it is a pretty personalized but relatively accurate. I was really touched by the family dynamics and their love for each other. I enjoyed seeing it through Nastyas eyes who is such an optimistic character that holds up hope and looks for solultions at the worst of times. Her compassion and need for harmony and acceptance for all people was amazing and I loved how she did not let the situation pull her to the dark side and display anger and hate.It feels like we are getting a quite accurate portayal of how Nastya would have seen and felt, but I was missing a bit more controversial views so that the reader might see where the Bolsheviks come from and that Nastyas romanticised views of her father and Rasputin might not have been what people outside of the family would have experienced.Overall very enjoyable read with a bit of a history lesson in the first half (and a fictional second), although you have to keep in mind that this is a a very subjective view of history.
“The bond of family spans miles, memory and time.â€Romanov was my most anticipated book of 2019. I love Nadine’s writing, the A Time to Die series changed my life (or at least my perspective on life), and then Fakwes, which made me doubt alongside Thomas in what was right and wrong and how to find your place in the world.AND THEN ROMANOV CAME. Move aside Disney, because this is far better. Nadine sticks to the facts of the Romanov family and pictures in detail what happened to them in exile. And it is a haunting picture.Nadine focuses on three of the siblings: Nastya (Anastasia), Alexei and Maria. And she did it extremely well... Alexei has a genetic disease, and she painted a vivid picture of someone who has been ill for years and has learned the coping mechanisms. They were the same lessons I have learned (like when to admit you need help instead of stubbornly trying to do it on your own, but also to try to live your life fully even though doctors tell you to rest rest rest). I can say the disability representation is top notch! So naturally I fell in love with this lovely 13 year old boy that was made both strong and kind because of his suffering. Then there’s Maria, who dares to give her whole heart. And Nastya, wonderful imp. She has such resilience and she is incredibly brave. Both in her actions and her mind. Because she does the impossible: she tries to understand her captors and forgive the unforgivable - that is true strength and bravery.“Revenge would have shattered us both. But you've given us the opportunity to be strong. To mend our hearts instead of break them further.“Also, I need to mention tsar Nikolai especially, Anastasia’s father. He sets an amazing example how to not only forgive your enemies, but befriend them as well. His lessons resound with Nastya and she does her best to uphold them. AND JOY THE AMAZING TERRIER DOGGIE. Gotta love a dog side character, especially this fierce terrier (this might be the only Disney reference lol though it is historically accurate).OK, I could go on and on about the characters and how much I love them. But there are other things too! There is MAGIC for example. I love how it was implemented in the story, it felt like it totally belonged. There is a special doll which holds spells, and Nastya needs to protect it with her life. While the first part of the stories focuses on the exile, and therefore has more feels and contemplation, the second part has loads of action! There was never a boring moment, it felt perfectly balanced. And that ending is all I wanted. Though what I really wanted was A 1000 MORE PAGES IN THIS BOOK. But then, maybe not, because within these pages Nadine had me bawling. Not crying, BAWLING. For an hour. I still get a bit teary eyed when I think about it (spoiler free review, but you know what I mean when you’ve read it).And we need to talk about Zash. He is full of angst and anger, but his character arc is amazing! Oh I wish I could say more, but let me just tell me you’re going to love him, hate him and love him again and it’ll break your heart.Overall, I loved the story, but above all the theme of the power of forgiveness. And the power of family and choosing love instead of hate. And this is such an important message! And if you think this might get preachy, noooo it doesn’t at all! This book shows how impossible it is to forgive and the struggles that come with it and yet to do it anyway. This message us SO IMPORTANT. I’m gonna be thinking about it for days.I’m going to end this review with a quote I wholeheartedly support:“Peace, quiet, and safety are all well. But community and relationships are what truly fill a person's life.â€
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